Welcome to Probot’s Summer of Code!

In 2018, Probot is participating in Google’s Summer of Code and Rails Girls Summer of Code, two amazing programs that help students connect with open source projects.


How do I get started with Probot?

We suggest that you build our “Hello World” app to get the hang of registering a GitHub App and the base setup of a Probot App. In your application, include a link to a comment that your Hello World app created on a test repository.

You can also join our Slack and join the #summer-of-code channel.

Can I claim this cool idea?

We’re excited that you’re excited, but the Summer of Code ideas in our ideas repo are for the students that are accepted to work on Probot over the summer. Claims to those ideas will be ignored until April (when the submission deadline has passed).

Someone has claimed this idea, can I still have it in my application?

Absolutely! See the above answer.

I have another cool idea for an app!

Amazing! Be sure to include it in your application.


Brandon Keepers

Gregor Martynus

Jason Etcovitch

Tommy Byrd

Application Requirements