The picturesafe team is happy to announce the release of picturesafe-search 3.4.0!

This release brings a massive improvement in the aggregations API. Also there are some minor bugfixes in this release.

picturesafe-search is an open source Java framework that allows for ultra fast adoption of Elasticsearch queries capabilities to old and new java applications.

You can find out more about picturesafe-search at

We use semantic versioning for the development of picturesafe-search.

Using this release

With Apache Maven add this dependency to your pom.xml:


Or clone the GitHub repository and build the distribution yourself.

Have fun!

— The picturesafe-search team



  • Fixed marshalling of StandardIndexPresetConfiguration.

New Feature

  • Added ElasticsearchType.KEYWORD to add non-analyzed keyword fields to the Elasticsearch index.
  • Refactored aggregations completely. Now aggregations can be specified with all their attributes via SearchParameter.


  • Updated to Elasticsearch REST client library 7.7.1.
  • Field id is not in the attributes of SearchResultItem if it’s not in the index settings, or it was excluded of the SearchParameter.fieldsToResolve.

Breaking changes

  • Aggregations now can only be specified as instances of SearchAggregation via SearchParameter.aggregations. The previously predifined AggregationBuilderFactory configuration has been refactored completely to match the new aggregation API. Please see the updated documentation for details.