Index creation

Application with one index

If your application only requires a single index, you can use the SingleIndexElasticsearchService to create and delete the index:

private SingleIndexElasticsearchService singleIndexElasticsearchService;

private void createIndex() {

private void deleteIndex() {

When using the SingleIndexElasticsearchService and the DefaultElasticConfiguration, the index name and index alias are defined by

Default configuration

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {""})
// same as @Import({DefaultClientConfiguration.class, 
//                  DefaultIndexConfiguration.class, 
//                  DefaultQueryConfiguration.class})
public class Config {

    List<FieldConfiguration> fieldConfigurations() { ... }


## Index name prefix (property 'elasticsearch.index.alias' will be used when empty)

## Index name date format ('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-SSS' will be used when empty)

With the above settings an index with the name ‘default-yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-SSS’ and the alias ‘default’ is created.

Created index with alias in Cerebro


Application with multiple indices

If your application requires more than one index, you have to use the ElasticsearchServiceinstead of the SingleIndexElasticsearchService to create and delete the index.

To create and delete an index, the corresponding index alias must be passed:

    private ElasticsearchService elasticsearchService;

    private void createIndex(String indexAlias) {
    private void deleteIndex(String indexAlias) {

For simple use cases the DefaultClientConfiguration and the DefaultQueryConfiguration can be imported. Some beans for the index and field configuration have to be implemented additionally:

Configuration with customized index configuration for two indices

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {""})
@Import({DefaultClientConfiguration.class, DefaultQueryConfiguration.class})
public class Config {

    public static final String FIRST_INDEX_ALIAS = "myfirstindex";
    public static final String SECOND_INDEX_ALIAS = "mysecondindex";

    @Value("${elasticsearch.index.my_first_index.alias:" + FIRST_INDEX_ALIAS + "}")
    private String myFirstIndexAlias;

    @Value("${elasticsearch.index.my_second_index.alias:" + SECOND_INDEX_ALIAS + "}")
    private String mySecondIndexAlias;

    private String myFirstIndexNamePrefix;

    private String mySecondIndexNamePrefix;

    private String indexNameDateFormat;

    private int numberOfShards;

    private int numberOfReplicas;

    private int fieldsLimit;

    private int maxResultWindow;

    // Before 3.3.0
    List<IndexPresetConfiguration> indexPresetConfiguration() {
        return Arrays.asList(
            getIndexPresetConfiguration(myFirstIndexAlias, myFirstIndexNamePrefix),
            getIndexPresetConfiguration(mySecondIndexAlias, mySecondIndexNamePrefix)
    // since 3.3.0
    IndexPresetConfigurationProvider indexPresetConfigurationProvider() {
        return new StaticIndexPresetConfigurationProvider(Arrays.asList(
                getIndexPresetConfiguration(myFirstIndexAlias, myFirstIndexNamePrefix),
                getIndexPresetConfiguration(mySecondIndexAlias, mySecondIndexNamePrefix)

    FieldConfigurationProvider fieldConfigurationProvider() {
        final Map<String, List<FieldConfiguration>> fieldConfigurationMap 
            = new HashMap<>();
            .put(myFirstIndexAlias, firstIndexfieldConfigurations());
            .put(mySecondIndexAlias, secondIndexfieldConfigurations());
        return new StaticFieldConfigurationProvider(fieldConfigurationMap);

    private List<FieldConfiguration> firstIndexfieldConfigurations() { ... }

    private List<FieldConfiguration> secondIndexfieldConfigurations() { ... }

    private IndexPresetConfiguration 
        getIndexPresetConfiguration(String indexAlias, 
                                    String indexNamePrefix) {
        final StandardIndexPresetConfiguration cfg 
            = new StandardIndexPresetConfiguration(indexAlias, indexNamePrefix,
            indexNameDateFormat, numberOfShards, numberOfReplicas, maxResultWindow);
        return cfg;
    // Optional char mapping
    private Map<String, String> defaultCharMapping() {
        final Map<String, String> charMapping = new HashMap<>();
        charMapping.put("ä", "ae");
        charMapping.put("ö", "oe");
        charMapping.put("ü", "ue");
        charMapping.put("ß", "ss");
        charMapping.put("Ä", "Ae");
        charMapping.put("Ö", "Oe");
        charMapping.put("Ü", "Ue");
        return charMapping;


Created indices with alias for above settings in Cerebro
