
Installation types

The system can be installed in various ways:

  • the Docker based installation
  • the JVM based installation

We recommend the installation in a Docker environment.

Installation media

You need an installation package of the picturesafe-search Acceleration Server, consisting of:

  • an installation manual
  • the installation archive from the link below

Downloads: Archive Checksum

Manuals: Installation Getting Started REST API

Please check the provided SHA checksum and unpack the archive.


The download includes a demo license that permits full use, time limited to the current quarter.

If your use case requires something different, don’t hesitate to contact picturesafe sales per email at

Password generation

To setup personal passwords, please check the Installation Guide from the download section.

Docker based installation

Please check also the provided Installation Guide for a docker-compose based installation.

Linux / macOS

Pull the images from DockerHub:

docker pull picturesafe/elasticsearch:7.7.1
docker pull picturesafe/acceleration-server:1.0.1

First setup a named Docker network and a volume for Elasticsearch:

docker network create picturesafe_search
docker volume create elasticsearch_data

Then start the Elasticsearch instance, provide network and volume:

docker run -d --rm \
       --network picturesafe_search \
       --name elasticsearch \
       -v elasticsearch_data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data \
       -e "discovery.type=single-node" \

Now create an administrator password by running the following command with a password of your choice:

docker run --rm picturesafe/acceleration-server:1.0.1 encode my-password

… the resulting bcrypt-encoded password will look similar to this:


Finally start the Acceleration Server, provide network, Elasticsearch address and encoded password (omit brackets!):

docker run -d --rm \
       --network picturesafe_search \
       --name acceleration_server \
       -p 8080:8080 \
       -e "ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=elasticsearch:9200" \
       -e 'AUTHENTICATION_USER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<insert your encoded password here>' \


Pull the images from DockerHub:

docker pull picturesafe/elasticsearch:7.7.1
docker pull picturesafe/acceleration-server:1.0.1

First setup a named Docker network and a volume for Elasticsearch:

docker network create picturesafe_search
docker volume create elasticsearch_data

Then start the Elasticsearch instance, provide network and volume:

docker run -d --rm^
       --network picturesafe_search^
       --name elasticsearch^
       -v elasticsearch_data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data^
       -e "discovery.type=single-node"^

Now create an administrator password by running the following command with a password of your choice:

docker run --rm picturesafe/acceleration-server:1.0.1 encode my-password

… the resulting bcrypt-encoded password will look similar to this:


Finally start the Acceleration Server, provide network, Elasticsearch address and encoded password (omit brackets!):

docker run -d --rm^
        --network picturesafe_search^
        --name acceleration_server^
        -p 8080:8080^
        -e "ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=elasticsearch:9200"^
        -e "AUTHENTICATION_USER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<insert your encoded password here>"^

Connect to server

Connect to your running server on http://localhost:8080, use username admin and your password, e.g. my-password.

Note: This describes the initial setup. When you want to start the Acceleration Server again (e.g. after a reboot), you only have to execute the two docker run commands to start the Elasticsearch and the Acceleration Server instances.

JVM based installation

Please check the provided Installation Guide for a JVM based installation.